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EPC410 Hand-hydraulic crimping tool

EPC410 Hand-hydraulic crimping tool

Applications The Hand-held hydraulic cable crimper EPC410 ist a professional tool for crimping cable lugs and connectors of up to 300 mm2 according to DIN. It is used by transportation companies, energy supply companies, power stations and their service providers, as well as in industrial cable assembly.
Crimping force: 106 kN
Crimping Dies: C-shells (C)

Hand hydraulic cable crimper EPC410 - robust all-round tool

The professional tool covers a wide range of applications.
Excellent price-performance ratio.
It is possible to accept standard C-shaped dies.
2-step hydraulics with rapid feed for fast and efficient working.

Technical specifications
Crimping force: 106 kN
Crimping range DIN Cu: 10 - 300 mm²
Crimping range DIN Al: 10 - 300 mm²
Stroke: 25 mm
Weight: 6.0 kg
Length [mm]: 585
Width: 150 mm
Hydraulic steps: 2
Head: open
Crimping dies Series: C-shaped (C)
Included in delivery:

> Tool with transportation case.



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