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Mammut-ETK-FR Spare part case

Mammut-ETK-FR Spare part case

Applications Spare part case Mammut ETK-FR with wear and spare parts with milling tools for the rust removing machine Mammut.

Spare part case for the Mammut with milling wheel roller

3-times replacement set of milling wheels for the milling wheel roller MR260
Wear parts of the roller incl. V-belt
Immediate availability
No loss of work due to procurement times
All parts in one case

With the spare parts case Mammut-ETK-FR you get the most common wear parts, such as milling wheels for the milling wheel roller MR260 in threefold design as well as further assembly components and two V-belts practically packed in a case. With this spare parts case, you are always in a position to keep your derusting machine running. Long waiting times due to a the necessary procurement of wearing parts is no longer necessary. Increase your machine availability with this proven set. If you are also using the ML260 hammer hammer roller, please take a look at the Mammut-ETK-SH spare parts kit.
Technical specifications
Equipment: Milling Wheel (cutter)
IMPA: 592461
Included in delivery:

> 126 pc Milling Wheel (cutter) E70, 63 pc Distance Plate E608, 21 pc Distance Pin E609K,
8 pc Side Plate E610/1, 2 pc V-Belt KR-M, 1 pc Aluminium-Case.



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