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DLV45C 12L-AYK Delvo Electric Screw Driver

DLV45C 12L-AYK Delvo Electric Screw Driver

Applications DLV45C12L-AYK Industrial electric screw driver for screws 0.6 - 39.8 mm for single station or serial production

C-Series - Current Controlled Torque System suitable for screw fastening work

- Low-voltage brushless motor
- ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) protection structure
- For both hand-held / automatic machines
- Controller has built in counting function. Prevents human errors
- Nine speed settings available
- Automatic three step speed control function
- Two types of measuring methods (Time/Motor rotation signal)
- Seven color indication LED (At the tip of the screwdriver)
- Two external I/O signal connection ports (NPN ⇔ PNP switchable, RS-232C)
- Various settings can be configured via a PC (Free setting software available on Nitto Kohki website)
Technical specifications
Included in delivery:

> Tool, connection cable 2 m (DLW9078), hangerand Bit NK35 (No.2 × 7 × 75).

