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SH50-A Hand-hydraulic cutting tool

SH50-A Hand-hydraulic cutting tool

Applications Hand-hydraulic cable shear for cutting Cu- and Al-cable and conductors of up to 50 mm diameter; for use by energy providers, utility companies and their service providers, power plants, transportation companies and telecommunications.

Cable shear SH50-A - Entry level tool for fast cuts

The rotatable head and the simple, safe handling make the tool the entry level tool for all Cu and Al cables as well as telephone cables up to Ø 50 mm.
The cable shear has an excellent weight/performance ratio.
The snap lock allows easy and fast working.
Technical specifications
Cutting force: 50 kN
Opening width: 50 mm
Weight: 3.8 kg
Length [mm]: 495
Lock type: Snap fit
Head: closed
Included in delivery:

> Tool with canvas bag.



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